Happy New year, Dear Firends
The holidays are over, that was very quick don't you think? Although we had the worst shopping season science the 70's Yet we manage to eat to much doing these times myself included, Now it's time to think about a very,very searious matter our health. I have a offer for Busy Mom's from a Busy Mom's that we are using and enjoying ever moment it is a increditable plan I had to share it to everyone that visit. Listing as this Mom explain what she saw when look in the mirror and took charge of her life.
I Didn’t Even Know Who She Was
Please don’t get me wrong, motherhood has been the absolute greatest joy and the biggest accomplishment (and challenge) of my entire life. But that being said, motherhood CERTAINLY changes your priorities. As mothers we tend to place “ourselves” to the side so that we can take care of our single greatest blessings – our children. And while there is nothing wrong with that – it’s a part of what motherhood is (and something we will do for the next 18+ years) we sometimes lose sight of who “we” are, and need some guidance rediscovering that woman.
A HUGE Wake-Up Call
After having lost my dad at the age of 57 to a heart attack, and my mom suffering breast cancer at the age of 59, I KNEW that if I didn’t make myself and my health a priority now, my children would suffer from the lack of my own self-care later. If you have ANY family history of health related disease or death, you have an obligation to yourself and your children to take charge of your weight and health now, before it is too late!
Let this be your personal wakeup call, Please bookmark this page and as always think for visting.